Embrace More Democracy

We wholeheartedly engage in promoting more democracy by actively involving citizens in political decisions. Our goal is to bring more legislative changes to a vote and foster a diverse political landscape. Together, we advocate for a vibrant democracy where every vote counts. Join us and register your vote!

We wholeheartedly engage in promoting more democracy by actively involving citizens in political decisions. Our goal is to bring more legislative changes to a vote and foster a diverse political landscape. Together, we advocate for a vibrant democracy where every vote counts. Join us and register your vote!

We support direct democracy. Involving citizens in political decision-making processes holds significant importance. Through extensive discussions on issues, we achieve better outcomes and gain greater acceptance for the decisions made, as everyone actively participates in the decision-making process.

Swiss politics offers tools such as referendums for this purpose; however, organizing and funding a referendum is a complex process, resulting in only a few legislative changes being truly influenced by the people in practice.

We aim to change that!

We aspire to see more legislative changes brought to a vote in the future. It doesn't matter whether it's a "left" or "right" issue – or whether it's more important for the "city" or the "countryside". We do not pass judgment on whether a decision is "right" or "wrong" in our opinion. Our objective is to facilitate discussions and votes on the topic.

How it works:

We believe that this approach can give a boost to direct democracy and we hope for your support.

Ready for more democracy? Register now!

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